I apologize to readers who have been wondering what happened to my blog. It seemed to go haywire, with an old, out-of-date theme showing and no posts since Nov. 18.
Well, the answer is simple: Godaddy — the company I use to host my blog and websites — broke it. How and why I will explain in a subsequent post, but suffice to say they screwed up and I’ve been waiting for the past week to see if they would fix it. They haven’t.
Apparently either they lack the technical competence to do so or the interest in customer service to repair their errors. Either way, it seems I’ve lost six weeks of work, and will have to look through other, locally-saved copies to restore some of it.
I’ll explain the details in a following post, including the remarkably simple solution that Godaddy techs could have used to fix their mistakes, but which seemingly escaped them.
What GoDaddy is best at is producing ads to get more customers, even using poor old Andre Degrasse as chief peddler in Canada . I know nothing about the ins and outs of web hosting and nor one supposes does Mr Degrasse , but — on a specialist blog I’ve frequented for years, the GoDaddy brand is frequently mentioned as completely useless by people who know what they’re on about. Consultant middle-aged and experienced IT geniuses who have a life outside coding and Silicon Valley groupthink. Not the archetyical whiz kids who think they’re the bees knees, but industry veterans with a track record.
One of the things these US IT pros have complained about for years is what they describe as lousy IT and engineering work originating in India and exported abroad. H1B visas allow many to physically work in the US on the cheap, usually indebted like temp office workers often are by the agency who hires them out and paid their travel costs etc., and who skim off a monthly tithe from their salary. The result is engineers and coders who have no real clue are hired, but are counted by the MBAs running companies as engineering or IT staff. Or like IBM and Boeing, they also hire engineering farms, mostly out of Chennai (Madras), on internet remote. The IBM Phoenix pay system Ottawa got screwed over and Boeing 737 Max come to mind. It’s called the race to the bottom, I believe. And I’m a retired engineer myself who used to supervise other engineers, so have some idea what’s going on.
Harper was caught out on the overseas “temporary worker” file years ago, mostly over Timmies’ coffee pourers. But that is only one part of the story. At the time I recall a senior IT man at RBC who was interviewed by CBC who had lost his job. His last three months were spent trying to bring up to speed his replacement from overseas who was essentially untutored but had the paper qualifications, and was to be paid half or some such thing. Well, to an accountant, an engineer is a engineer, a coder a coder, but in real life we all know that’s rubbish. But look! Savings! And another career ruined. You want cheap, you get cheap.
GoDaddy is from India, as Wikipedia notes, but they claim to be American from Arizona ….
Good Luck sorting them out.
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